Sunday, July 29, 2007
Dear Diary,
Im 22 now
And i just need
28 more yearsI think its more than enuff (provided im alive 28 later)
i always tot we could turn back time and start everything again,not making the same mistake we make.Apparently its not gonna happen and it never will.
Make the best out of it?Not my style.
If life is a game..i will keep restarting and restarting,even its not Game Over..yet.i will sit on the rock and reflect on what i done wrong and keep whining to a super pessimistic person..sometimes
But the ironic part is that im optimistic rest of the time.
im full of "passion","waiting to be inspire"..
im that kind of person who
cant sleep at night because my brain just cant stop thinking and my body just cant stop fidgeting..
perhaps finding the best position to sleep..
i must admit i sleep in a very weird position that doesn't even make sense doesn't help(they say eat kiwi help u sleep)
alcohol sometimes doesn't works
bud sometimes music hypotise me to sleep..and its not those lullaby kinda fact its those super noisy song like rihanna-umbrella..MCR..n so on..
of cos with the help of my beloved MP3
They say
Success is not measure by how much money u earn.
But on how u balance your life between..ur family..ur love?
or even ur friends.
it does make sense..and i dont think i could earn much
I dont need a
big housei dont need a
sport cari dont need a hot gf
i just need a magic potion that makes me sleep soundly every nighti need inspiration,not negativityi dun need a friend,i just need someone who understandi dun need a licence,i walk home and i am enjoying every momentif u think u know me...
think again
; la vérité ,
vous rendra libres at Sunday, July 29, 2007 ♥
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Transformer was really good..fantastic i mean...and
megan fox?she smoking hot...i guess i always have a soft spot of pretty girls..infact everyone does..unless that person is a super confident cum super suave guy with a dozen of hot chicks to spare....yes they are super appealing to ur eye,they seems to be perfect..bud its just-so-not-true..shall not elaborate..and im not sterotyping that girls like them aint good...its just too good to be true..
"There's more than meet the eye"

Cai huixian book out yest...hope he have a wonderful weekend. : )
Im drinkin myself to sleep tonight...hopefully i can get drunk and sleep like a baby.
rock on people/tommorow a beta day/why/becos it has to be/why not/we dun need anymore negativity from anyone/not even urself/
; la vérité ,
vous rendra libres at Saturday, July 21, 2007 ♥

They wont be there for you forever..neither do i..becos things will change as time passes..And its time stand up on ur own...get out of the comfort zone..
Dun be just a pretty somebody
Live in reality...not in denied
Being pretty is ur biggest is also ur biggest weakness
i know sometimes i dun practice wad i preach.
When the sun shinesWe’ll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
That I'll always be your friend
Took an oath
I'mma stick it out 'till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we still have each other
You can stand under my Umbrella
ella ella eh eh eh under my umbrella
; la vérité ,
vous rendra libres at Tuesday, July 10, 2007 ♥