Sunday, October 21, 2007
nyHas been working for these few days..felt so tired...for so long i have never been so busy that i dun even have time to laze around.anyway its all over..just have to get back to my exam..gonna pray hard that i never screw up.
Came back from work today..turn on the happened to be showing the movie Click on i decided to watched it, even though i watched on cinema before. And then i remember i was so touched by the movie the 1st time i watched it.I still remember i watched it last year on August 09th 2006..over at tampines...initially i tot it was like a few years really touches my hart..even though its e 2nd time i watch it.Sometimes we just take things for granted in our life..and its only when we loses it..we started to felt the pain...bud its oreadi being too late.
According to the show...its the process that really when u wanted something so much...bud after u get it....u found that its the things that happen during the period that matter the most.Its one of those movie that bring u down the earth and at the same time...makes u pondered over what is really important in ur life..and somehow inspire u.
As time goes by...things changes..but some remain the same.
; la vérité ,
vous rendra libres at Sunday, October 21, 2007 ♥
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Today my frenz told me his frenz is suprise that i own a blog.But i wasn't suprise...guys usually dun blog rite.
Not that im different or something..i mean..i do have emotion..u punch me i'll bleed!im just like any other guys in the world..i have my dark side..i have my mean side..bud i do have my soft side my good side
And my backside!
bud usually those pple who blog are usually people who have free time to do it la..they just jot down their feelings and tots..and then they grew older..they look back at it...thinking back those moment...luff bout it and'll be so cool.
i notice that pple who post a very long entries...chances are....pple wont read ur's wad im tryin to do now..maybe its just me who think this way...usually pple like to view or sth...lonng entries are just entries they want to rant bout...not considering how the viewer do..which is what im doing now.Attemptin to post some rubbish so pple whom im not comfortable with..will not read my blog.
oh is victor bday..and tml is PJ bday...happy bday to all the oct babies.
; la vérité ,
vous rendra libres at Wednesday, October 17, 2007 ♥
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Went to golden mile eat steamboat yesterday,to celeb victor bday
(in advance,due to ns commitment)
bday man( nt boy)
"vanggie" and mingling
Yiping and lotti
Apparently we were suppose to meet at golden mile at 8 pm for our steamboat
as usual..everyone was slightly late..
Guess what...after like half an hour or so..i receive a sms from this guy, mr alson lee
"hey...i think i u all go eat , i lost my at cck..think i meet u guys after that.."
lol..he lost his way!upon seeing this..i straight away call him...he sound so said he now me later..say he might nt be joining
bud he somehow he manage to find the hour
maybe we should get him a navigator..

the mysterious guest
hey mich..thanks for coming huh....
though ur not close with us but u still make an effort to celeb victor bday..ur effort is appreciated.
Have u notice there's one empty seat?its mine
For some reason, he decided to strike a pose.
Mich and vic
She noes that im takin photo of simply shows that there is a certain shyness in her.though she got a outgoing personality..and its rare
pic of the day
We went to "hole" garden yesterday...and for some reason..the cam batt decided to go flat...din manage to take any fotos..Hope you enjoy ur day mr LUO....and eh mich...thanks again...and hope you are feeling better by suppose to be your guardian for yesterday night..apparently i din do my
People changes over the time, perhaps u dun even know that person well enuff"
; la vérité ,
vous rendra libres at Saturday, October 13, 2007 ♥
Monday, October 01, 2007
today i
jus got receive some negative feedback bout me..well..according to one of my peers.But i really do not what traits of me that he was
refering to..
becos he himself doesn't know the right term to describe my action.Perhaps i was too insensitive recently.Anyway..thanks for the criticism.But it doesn't mean that
im wrong or they are right.Its all down to perception!
why am i toking bout it?
im bothered bout it? not good at receiving criticism...though
im good at giving..i guess its my karma..
im too evil mouth on
tt dude..(
im tokin to myself)
something bout me is that..once i know a particular person who wasn't impress by other not like bout me...based on their judgmental perceptual point of view....i would just ignore the person..not to the extent....but to a certain degree..
Bud after some careful consideration...maybe it was really me..the source of problem?no idea interpersonal skill is still not very good..i gotta work on is my sensitivity...its impossible to please everybody around you..i guess we all have to keep trying everyday....maybe i got low
EQ too...
something to cheer bout...maggie Q

i din know she's a vegetarian....and i definitely din
noe that she is also the
ambassador of PETA..i think it stand of People of Ethincal treatment of animal..sth like tt..its a not for profit organisation( well..according to them).. to raise awareness of treating the animals ethnically..maybe i should try vegetarian too..haha..bud i cant live w/o meats..
; la vérité ,
vous rendra libres at Monday, October 01, 2007 ♥