Thursday, November 29, 2007
Even the best fall down sometimes
Jus finished my assignment, hope the lecturer wont fail me.I din put much effort, bud at least i will submit. merciful alright?if not i burn his house.
Even the stars refuse to shine.
Somehow u and i collide
This few days the newspaper has been posting the cambodia dragon Boat Tragedy. Well, i naturally feel sad apon reading it..Bud i think it affect more on their love ones, especially their parents.
Sometimes u might think that life is vulnerable, when your time is up, you just have to go.But have u ever tot of how your family and friends feel?the agony?the pain?U can only understand it when u experience it.
Apparently all 5 of them are high flyer, all are undergraduate, i believes they are the one pple look up to, excel in life..those highly motivated pple..who have so much to give.....and now they are gone..just like that..
Based on that, i guess i gonna live a long long time man. But they should be proud of themselves, all that they have achieve...
bud wadeva things still goes on.
; la vérité ,
vous rendra libres at Thursday, November 29, 2007 ♥
Monday, November 12, 2007

Went to watch this show today.Game Plan.ANd i must say its really really nice...everyone should go watch it...kinda hartwarming..for certain scenes..not Bad.
Overall it was good la...its a comedy show..bud more than just that..i will tell u more.
Basically its a bout this guy call joe kingmans..or wadeva..(forgotton his name)act by the rock..he's a very famous quarter back(a position in ruby)..he got the fame he got the money..everything..he won countless trophies..MVP..u name it..he have it all..
Then suddenly he found out that he has a daughter..
thats her!
And i can tell u...she is really really cute...not just her face..its her character..i think the director simply tell her to be herself...she has a really chubby character..and she is super cute..the way she speak...wad really catches me is the little gesture she did for her dad..and the things that she say...u know..unbelievable..u should catch the show..its really hilarious...If u ask me for a good reason to watch it?Her.
; la vérité ,
vous rendra libres at Monday, November 12, 2007 ♥
Sunday, November 11, 2007 mum and my sister are occupying the tv..i cant watch my MAN U...not in mood also.Went to Thai Disco again last night.All thanks to mr Luo.As usual..drinkin dying.
Guowei actually went inside with 2 of his friends before i came...he really drink alot..until he mabok..he is slightly tispy i actually hold him..just in case he fall down. Three uniform policeman saw us and immediately he stopped us and check on our particular.
THen one of them very action, he see my frenz abit drunk..he say something like..go home!bla to us like some bodoh bodoh cina like that..we are both tipsy my frenz stared hard at him....upon seeing this..that policeman shouted not happy ar..or sth like that...he just want to find trouble with my my frenz shouted back i actually wanted to stop the quarreling la..end up i also join them.he sayin what he can arrest us back bla bla bla...damn idiotic la..that guy..feel like complaining bout him bout i dun remember his name.
That guy is really really really an ass hole.Sergant somemore..i hate it..when pple abuse their authority.Okie la..i mean if we are some juvenlie...those xiao hun hun..small time gangster or wadeva..then u action..i mean..u go ahead all means.
But no..u are messing with the wrong pple.I hope u get into trouble someday.God will punished u!knn...
Yes i understand that my frenz is drunk and he shouldn't behave this way.But that guy shouldn't behave that way either. I believe they were doing patroling the 1st place..their job is to protect the civilians right..not that i dun appreciate them.But u dun fucking provoke pple who are drunk and then abuse ur authority.Obviously when u drunk u dun care wad u do right...that bodoh bodoh still purposely wan to find trouble with us.Why cant he speak nicely to us..why?becos u are police and this is how u speak?knowing that my frenz is drunk he still talk this way.obviously wan to find trouble with that the right attitude?for god sake, take pride in ur uniform..u want respect?earn it...dun be a sadist..tryin to make other's life diffcult.Did he went to skool?if he is educated he shld NOT behave like a barbarian.
i also a bit cock la..i wake up in the morning and then i think back what happen..i was so pissed off..bud too late a bit lag.
And ya..and thanks alot shuying...i was so drunk last night...vomit all the way back to hougang..i think if im the driver i kick the person out of the car lor..becos inside the car is enclosed..u can exactly the sound the person stink also..bud he dun seems to mind..he even offered me a plastic is customer service!thanks..i appreciate it..and thanks suppose to sent u back home..instead u drop at the main road..kinda guilty haha..
think i should go now..stop rantin anymore..shall update in the near future..btw..ask that person go fark a dog..pissed off.okie.stop.
; la vérité ,
vous rendra libres at Sunday, November 11, 2007 ♥
Hasn't been bloggin for quite sometime oreadi.I was hook on facebook..Friendster is a thing of a past.Facebook is really really fun.Becos u can add all kinds of application.U get to meet new frenz..all around the world.Not just s' cool is that...hurry up join now..its easy to use by the way.So dun worry.
There was this particular application call human pets.One of my current favourite.U get to see alot of really pretty girls.
Show u some example of really pretty girls...

Alright...this is from s'pore..yah..and i think she is pretty..bud she keep sleeeping.I cant wake her up

This one i think also from s'pore la..i saw one of her comment..she wrote sth like lim da bo lan s'porean right..i cant imagine her sayin that.Anyway she put her country australia la..Maybe she's studyin over there..

Woo...this is some ang idea where is she from...she look hot right?

This is my fav...she's so pleasant to the eyes...bud kinda too good to be true la..she's a japanese....pretty right?
ANyway..these are all the pictures they displayed, whether izzit their real self or not.i really got no idea.Its really hard to say.Some will talk to u la..others just take it for granted..hao lian right? la..some are friendly..and its really nice to chat with pple from different country..yea yea
And er..dun expect everyone to be so beautiful la..some are really cock..some put really really funny pictures.

This guy really look funny..i even added him even though i got no idea who the hell is he.But i think he's cute..dunno if that his real pic anot..LMAO
Alright..i think im done....MAN U vs BLACKBURN later
Can the red devil produce the magic again?Against all odd?rooney injured/blackburn haven been beaten on road..yet.../no rooney-tevez combination/
ANyway...if u have been watching them right...they are really really really really good..their passing?fantastic..JOga beautifully!tt's wad they have been doing so proud of them..Carlo tevez?one hell of a good striker...he's really hardworking..running like a headless chicken to win the ball back...
hope they win tonight..huat ah
; la vérité ,
vous rendra libres at Sunday, November 11, 2007 ♥