Sunday, December 30, 2007
My Dad Remarry today!huat ah
No la..My dad and my mom particpated in the wedding ceremony organised by the soka association...something like a remarrying thing.How cool is that?
Bud only after like 32 years for co-habiting.At least my dad did too bad...haha...he put in quite an effort i guess..
Decorating his ride
Come to think bout it...although he always screw us like hell...hes not too bad
Hope they did enjoyed the whole process
The maker of mr YJ
I think he was inspired by the show PIMP MY RIDE...he went to paint the car..change the rim..almost like a new car

i forgot to mosaic the plate pls dun tail gate my dad

On and off the road

thats the interior design..i think he try too hard

thats their production, YJ...its a rough copy
During the time when i was growing up...having to witnessed them quarreling..crying..the downside..everything.I always ask myself whether my mom is happy with her life..being with my their childs grew up(not according to their expectation)..i always tell myself not to let history repeat making my wife happy...cos my mum is the submissive one...shes the one that make everything happen..and maybe she wasn't happy at all..
I guess i was wrong....everything happen for a reason...its the mystic law...if u go according to the flow..nothing will go wrong..And as an adult...there are things beyond your control and its not up to you...but u make the best out of it..make it happen
Anyway...being with somebody for so long aint to all the parents that make it happen..and rock on
Today sister n my cousin keep asking to me hug my mom...hug my grandma..bla bla bla...
They dun understand that im a chinese...and chinese are born conservative and boring...chinese dun show their affection through all these...i wan to be different bud i cant
And they dun realise im not a a a dude
A guy has a ego...there are certain things they wish to do bud they just cant...its beyond their control
im just giving myself some stupid excuse..i hope somebody buy that..btw i would to lurve to bud i paiseh.
pple...try to understand!
; la vérité ,
vous rendra libres at Sunday, December 30, 2007 ♥
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas is coming.9 more days. Would this christmas be any different?
Has been clubbing with Jo this few days. Zouk, Mos, Mos...go here go there..drunk here vomit there.Wad e hell am i doing...Might be heading to zouk this wed(alright..serene is gg)...wadeva u say Jo...I just cant stop drinking..sometimes i wondered why i go club..just to drink?
Jo has been great...he introduce quite a few friends to me this few days...a malaysian with a 10 million will, (he keep askin where we stay and want ask to sent him back)..maybe his 10 million is in rupiah.Then there was this guy with a cap...look like some hip hopper(plus a metal spec)..he look so cool...and also few others gurls...they look like some american next top model
If only everything i said is true.Bud truth hurts sometimes..Everything is gg the opposite way.And truth to be told, Jo is such a nice khakis to club with. Simply becos he drive and he dun drink..and he stay in hougang..haha..i think i save a millions bucks for cab fare...bud i do appreciate it..cos i noe he dun like pple for hes i got no problem finding him in club.
The only disadvantage is a contrast for him..usually u hang out with sb uglier than u...chances are...u look me...U hang out with sb short...he will makes u look tall...This is wad we call Contrast Effect...btw im still looking for my contrast..i doubt i can find one.
Oh Jo also got study Quality Control impress man...he know how to filtered out things that is not pleasing to the eyes. And i think we click becos we share the same some pple have blur vision.....and i think they should work on that...its really serious.
Its time to have some wish list for my christmas man...

A ferrari

with alessandra ambrosio inside

plus maggie Q in the car boot
Dreams will never be dreams if it came true.
Maybe i can get a Merc (Cab)
Tonbang Fiona Xie
And Andrea Fonseka

Together we go Bedok 85 eat bar chor mee.
; la vérité ,
vous rendra libres at Sunday, December 16, 2007 ♥
Friday, December 07, 2007
yesterday my sis saw me chatting with my frenz Huixian in Msn...
sis: Hey dok, is that your friend?
YJ: duh...why?
sis: He look like that Joakim from s'pore idol
YJ: .......
This is Joakim Gomez from S'pore Idol
This is my frenz Huixian

Separate at birth?No idea Man
Huixian Please Dun sue Me!
SHould i go Zouk tonight?Anyone Going?????
; la vérité ,
vous rendra libres at Friday, December 07, 2007 ♥
Meet up with serene last nite
We went to Marina Square food court to have our dinner.Did u noe that u can sit outdoor?And let me tell u...the scenery was super nice..can see the big durian(explanade) and alot other big structure...really nice..bud too bad its not a date.
After that we took a cab to MS...and we practically walk around like 2 moron.WAnted to go Double O cos i nv go be4 and the drinks are as cheap as a plate of chicken rice..bud upon reaching there..i saw the queue..out 10 pple..10 are malay..then i was like "did we go to the wrong place?"Then all of them like looking at trying to tell us..hey this is a mud place and its for the mud..not cina..wadeva..the entrance was 25 decided to go elsewhere..we went check out the ex it change to central mall..and let me tell u..the place is like ghost town...super we decided to go boat's e only place i
upon reaching there..same old story..intoxicification...drink drink drink...went to order the 151 shot and i purposely light up the shot..i tot it was cool..end up scalding our tongue..and it still hurt..bodoh...i always drink above my limit..damn..after quite a few round..i sense something is not right..haha..i felt uneasy..something is not right..dun care..jus drink,since we still have a jug.......After a sip..woah..cannot....think is coming choice..dump the beer and i told her we should go..
immediately we got a cab...i was really shag eyes are closing...i think she was quite sober..anyway..i just keep trying to stay conscious..i dunwan her to sent me i act like im alright...bud i oreadi feel like puking...lucky i din..inside the cab..i done it millions of times..bud not this time...i manage to sent her home..and luckily..i manage to sent myself home..then uponing was time to pay up..i couldn't find my wallet..woah..den panick..keep searching all my pocket..still couldn't find..i think the driver also panick..haha..den i look to the at the i pay up and left..
And then same old story....went to the lang gao(the drain)
and vomit like hell...den i was wondering..will i die of vomiting..terrible...i still manage to take a shower and go to bed.
Moral of the story: If u cant drink.dun drink
; la vérité ,
vous rendra libres at Friday, December 07, 2007 ♥