Sunday, July 26, 2009
I just found out that..the woman whom i tot i loved..broke up with the man she tot she love..i have no idea what went wrong..she seems to be upset for the breakup. I wonder what so great bout that son of the father..when she doesnt give a shit bout me.she rather give someone a chance to hurt her than to hurt someone who wouldnt think bout harming her. Anyway its all over..learn not to treat someone as ur priority when you are only an option. Why give up on the whole forest for merely a tree? I rather have someone who accept me for who i am than someone who may swept me off the ground..but dun give a shit bout of
; la vérité ,
vous rendra libres at Sunday, July 26, 2009 ♥
Its so hard to fall asleep sometimes..i wonder why. Im using my handphone to update my blog, thanks to wi cool is that? Lying on the bed..joting down my tots and feelings. Anyhow, it was lifeless saturday..i went for the croupier interview this morning..i think i din really fair well..but they seems desperate for numbers..maybe they take me? Anyhow i went home n took a short nap before goin to darren house for his baby first month gathering. And guess what..i stay at home the whole night..mind u its saturday night..just didnt have the mood to go out.My life is in a mess..i think its time to do something.
; la vérité ,
vous rendra libres at Sunday, July 26, 2009 ♥
Sunday, July 19, 2009

I also understand that with the beauty of this life there comes pain and despair. No one is immune. But consider what you have in your hands before you give it up. Don’t trade a treasure for an empty box.– Forever Knight
; la vérité ,
vous rendra libres at Sunday, July 19, 2009 ♥